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Dr. Gene Sullivan, ND

Dr. Gene Sullivan is a Naturopathic Doctor and Gestalt Therapist practicing for more than two decades.  He is educated in the liberal arts, health sciences, psychotherapy, and natural medicine.  He is licensed to practice in California and New Mexico.  He is bilingual in English and French.

Dr. Sullivan is a problem solver, finding solutions for treatment-resistant health conditions, specializing in working with patients experiencing chronic pain and autoimmune conditions.

Dr. Sullivan sees his role in the patient relationship as both doctor and educator – placing emphasis on empowering his patients to effectively manage their health – with communication that supports a return to optimal health.  Dr. Sullivan has trained in multiple unique healthcare modalities including Intravenous Nutrient Therapy, Neural Therapy, Prolotherapy, and injection therapies for pain management.

Integrative Medicine

Regenerative Medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine